Leveraging For Profit Advantages Without the Hassle

What We Do

By partnering with us, nonprofits can finally utilize the for-profit advantages that have long been denied to them without the extra work or complicated legal structures. Our work is to alleviate the pain points of the traditional nonprofit model that undermines the critical missions of each organization. This model ensures revenue without risking a loss of the nonprofit status or having to run a social enterprise. Each nonprofit partner receives the network, resources, data, and audience of the other nonprofit partners, which means that instead of working in competition, they’ll be driving change through collaboration. Each partnership begins with the production of a book that generates awareness, positive media attention, and revenue in the form of book royalties which is donated back to the nonprofit.

Our Process

Stories & Social Impact

We find people doing incredible work in social impact through social movement organizations and nonprofits and turn their stories into books that restore your faith in humanity and leave you feeling activated. 

Building Community

We connect these changemakers-turned-authors with new, passionate supporters like you by organizing grassroots PR, marketing, and social media campaigns and partnerships.

Your Bookshelf for a Better World

Your support through each book purchase generates sustainable revenue for these organizations and nonprofits, providing them the financial resources they need to continue their impact and giving you the power to create the world you want to live in through conscious consumerism.

Sustainable Change

By sharing these stories with your friends, book clubs, and on social media, you elevate the demand for sustainable social change and provide a global platform for lifting marginalized voices. 

Win a trip to meet Michael and the Wheelchair Mafia in Thailand

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