Addressing History’s Burning Injustices

Welcome to Witchcraft, a social enterprise dedicated to empowering nonprofit organizations through the transformative power of books. Our work aims to address the historical and ongoing injustices faced by women and other marginalized communities by providing innovative solutions in the social impact space. We produce and publish high-quality books that nonprofits can use as a unique and effective means of funding their critical work through an equal exchange with consumers who want to use their dollars to vote for a better world.

Why Witchcraft?

The name "Witchcraft" is a tribute to the indomitable spirit of women who have faced persecution and injustice throughout history. By reclaiming this term, we honor their legacy and channel their strength into our mission. We use the art of book publishing as a modern-day form of "witchcraft" – crafting powerful narratives that transform lives and create lasting social change.

Meet the Coven


Founder & Executive Producer

Hey there- I’m Samantha! I founded Witchcraft after a decade of work in social impact, marketing, and writing. My job is to produce the stories of our nonprofit partners by developing and editing compelling narratives that inspire prosocial actions while also overseeing the development and launch of the campaigns our team creates. I’m not sure how to describe myself, but I do know that one time a podcast host (on a podcast one of our partners was on) referred to me as “one creative witch”. I took that in the highest regard. If my life were a book it would be called, “Between Beer and Cheese”, because that’s how my journey in activism got started.


Marketing Lead

Hiya, Maggie here! I am Witchcraft’s Marketing Lead and the team’s resident Gen-Z representative. I’m also an avid traveler with a passion for photography. Before finding Witchcraft, I honed my marketing skills as a digital nomad but felt that something (social impact) was missing. I joined Samantha in September 2023 as her founding employee, excited to finally combine my experience in social entrepreneurship, ethnic studies, and love of all things storytelling. As the Marketing Lead, I manage our internal social channels and advise our partners on their channels while also developing partnerships and campaigns for them. Samantha and Caroline often describe me as simultaneously inviting and intimidating. I attribute this to my affinity for productive meetings and action items. I enjoy a good Monday morning joke, but in truth, despite my best efforts, I always fall short of Caroline's comedic genius. 

If my life were a book, it would be titled “Walk Like a New Yorker, Dance Like a Colombian, and Play Like an Argentinian.” A mouthful, I know, but it authentically represents the best advice I have to offer.


PR & Media Lead

Hi! I’m Caroline, your “friendly, sarcastic neighborhood Brit.”. I joined Witchcraft in February 2024, seeking a creative role with more meaning – something that helped to make a positive difference in the world, combining my passions of writing and social justice. I’d describe myself as a long-suffering empath, people-pleaser and perfectionist. (What can I say? I’m a Pisces). My role focuses on managing Public and Media Relations for Witchcraft and our clients, but in truth, I mainly serve as court jester to Samantha and Maggie through the medium of self-deprecation, dark humor and inappropriate GIFs. If my life were a book (and I’ve given this a LOT of thought), it would either be called: “That’s How I Roline” or “The Right Way, The Wrong Way And The Oatway”, documenting all of the utterly ridiculous things that have happened to me – and no-one would publish it, because no-one would believe any of it was real.

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